Technology Transfer Office (TTO)
The UMG TTO aims to convert research findings into practical applications and economic impact, for the improvement of health and living standards of society at large.
The Technology Transfer Office actively identifies research projects with commercial potential at UMG, and acts to protect the intellectual property emerging from them. Patents, which are often the fundamental component in successful technology Transfer, are applied for and maintained.
The TTO takes an active approach to improving and enhancing technologies and inventions at UMG. The TTO builds business relationships with companies, investors and entrepreneurs, and aims to facilitate rapid and seamless transition of UMG’s inventions and technologies into the relevant industries.
The Technology Transfer office coordinates the activities in technology transfer within the UMG, collaborates with MBM Science Bridge, develops the Technology Transfer strategy of the UMG and reports to the spokesman of the board.
In matters of Innovation, Intellectual Property, licensing and start-ups is the contact point at UMG for researchers’ investors and companies.
Contact Person

contact information
- e-mail address: isaac.shariv(at)