UMG informant portal
Protect the UMG from criminal actions and harmful behaviour!
The UMG does high quality work in the fields of healthcare, research and teaching and enjoys a reputation as a trustworthy and innovative company. To do justice to this, we have set up the informant portal in addition to the existing internal communication pathways. Employees, students, collaboration partners and other external partners can report serious breaches of the rules and criminal actions through the portal (whistle blowing). No personal data are collected from the informant by the system in order to ensure anonymity.
Please note the following points:
- Please contact the Opinion and Complaints Management Team at UMG directly if you have any complaints; these will not be processed if they are submitted via the informant portal.
- Report alleged breaches of data protection directly to the UMG Data Protection Officer.
- The Law Office and the Internal Revision Office are also available as contacts.
- You can also contact the Corruption Officer directly.
- The Security and Environmental Protection Office is responsible for issues and information and occupational safety, health protection, environmental protection, radiation protection, water protection, gene technology etc.
- You can also contact the central “Violence-Free Workplace” contact point to report verbal or physical assaults at the UMG
- The system cannot be used to prevent acute emergencies or dangerous situations. The established reporting pathways should be used for this.
Anonymous tips contribute to us ensuring the reliability and integrity of the UMG in the long term. Please support us in a responsible and active manner. Thank you.
You can access the informant system (BKMS® system) using the following link. The system is on a separate platform to the Göttingen Medical School. You can find more information on the reporting process and informant protection there.