Clinical and scientific centres
Within the field of healthcare and research, the Göttingen Medical School (UMG) focuses on three clinical and scientific areas in particular: neurosciences, cardiovascular medicine and oncology. In these focus areas, specialist skills are brought together for optimal patient care, personalised medicine and translational research with the direct communication of scientific knowledge from the laboratory to the patients. Knowledge gained from research quickly goes to benefit patients.
The focus area of neurosciences links the special skills in the neurological and psychiatric facilities at the UMG in the research, diagnosis and treatment of neurological and psychiatric diseases. The neurological partner facilities can be found on “clinics”, “institutes”, “medical skills centres” and “scientific centres”. A separate neurological centre as an umbrella structure is still in planning.
The focus area of cardiovascular medicine combines national and international findings on patient care in research with a clinical application under the umbrella of the heart centre at the Göttingen Medical School.
The focus area of oncology follows an approach of targeted “personalised medicine”. The skills and expertise of the oncological clinics and research facilities at the UMG are organised in the Göttingen University Cancer Centre (G-CCC). It is a contact partner and coordinating point for patients and partner facilities.