1. RTG 2824 and CVS PhD Symposium in Göttingen

On 09 and 10 October, the 1st RTG2824 Symposium together with the GGNB PhD programme "Cardiovascular Science" took place in Göttingen.

We had two great days at the newly built "Heart & Brain Center Göttingen" and in the in the beautiful Adam-von-Trott Hall of the "Alte Mensa" with exciting talks and posters from our PhD students and inspiring key note lecturers from our SAB members Catherine Tallon-Baudry (Paris, France), Jelena Radulovic (New York, USA/Aarhus, Denmark) and Arno Villringer (Leipzig).
A worthy conclusion was the guided tour through the exhibition of the "Forum Wissen".

Thanks to everyone who made this event a really successful meeting with their presentations, posters and discussions.
See you at the next retreat in 2024! 

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