2nd state examination in medicine has been completed

We would like to congratulate our two associated MD students...

Associated MD students of the RTG 2824 "Heart and Brain: Integrative Research across Organs" at the UMG (from left): Areej Mostafa Alkhachroum (Project RPA6 "Studying the interaction between heart and brain with autonomic challenges", Prof. Wilke) and Svenja T. Zihsler (Project RPA8 "Functional analysis of heart & brain interaction in autonomic challenges: An ECG & EEG study", Prof. Wilke).

... Areej Mostafa Alkhachroum (Project RPA6) and Svenja T. Zihsler (Project RPA8) who have successfully completed their 2nd state examination in medicine in October 2023. Both are supervised by Prof. Dr. Melanie Wilke, Head of the Department of Cognitive Neurology.

An exciting practical year awaits them. Congrats Ladies and all the best for the next steps!!!

Svenja has already shared with us her career plans: She would like to become a specialist in neurology and remain committed to neuroscientific research. She can't say exactly where it will go yet, but she says that heart-brain research opens up exciting further projects for her.

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