Junior Research Groups at the University Medical Center Göttingen

By establishing junior research groups, outstanding young scientists are given the opportunity to independently conduct their own research projects and to establish a research group. The leadership of a junior research group supports the scientists in their early qualification for leading research positions.
At the University Medical Center Göttingen, junior research groups are characterized by a separate, well -defined funding of a research program which the junior research group leaders have usually received in a competitive procedure involving external evaluation.
The following junior research groups are currently being funded at the University Medical Center Göttingen:
Carter, Brett: Synaptic Physiology and Plasticity
Project: NovelNMDA - Novel NMDA receptor signaling in cortical synaptic depression
Duration: 02/2019-01/2025
Grant: EU, ERC Starting Grant
Department: European Neuroscience Institute (ENI)
Links: Website ENI - Synaptic Physiology and Plasticity
Clemens, Jan: Neural Computation and Behavior
Project: Neuronale Grundlagen der akustischen Kommunikation in Drosophila
Duration: 10/2017–03/2024
Grant: DFG, Emmy Noether-Nachwuchsgruppe
Department: European Neuroscience Institute (ENI)
Project: NeuSoSen - Neural Computations Underlying Social Behavior in Complex Sensory Environments
Duration: 02/2020-01/2025
Grant: EU, ERC Starting Grant
Department: European Neuroscience Institute (ENI)
Koch, Raphael: Entwicklung neuer Therapiestrategien für periphere T-Zell Lymphome
Duration: 12/2019–12/2024
Grant: Deutsche Krebshilfe, Max-Eder-Nachwuchsgruppe
Department: Klinik für Hämatologie und Medizinische Onkologie
Links: Website AG Koch
Richter-Dennerlein, Ricarda: Assemblierung des mitochondrialen Ribosoms in Säugern
Duration: 10/2016–12/2024
Grant: DFG, Emmy Noether-Nachwuchsgruppe
Department: Institut für Zellbiochemie
Links: Website Institut für Zellbiochemie
Schwiedrzik, Caspar M.: Neural Circuits and Cognition
Project: VarPL - Specificity or generalization? Neural mechanisms for perceptual learning with variability
Duration: bewilligt: 02/2019-01/2025
Grant: EU, ERC Starting Grant
Department: European Neuroscience Institute (ENI)
Project: Feedback als Weg nach vorn: sensorische Vorhersagen in der Gesichtsverarbeitungshierarchie von Primaten
Duration: 06/2019-12/2025
Grant: DFG, Emmy Noether-Nachwuchsgruppe
Department: European Neuroscience Institute (ENI)
Singh, Shiv K.: Regulation und therapeutisches Targeting der Zytokin-induzierten PIastizität und Resistenz im Pankreaskarzinom
Duration: 05/2018–04/2022
Grant: Deutsche Krebshilfe Stiftung, Max-Eder-Nachwuchsgruppe
Department: Klinik für Gastroenterologie und Gastrointestinale Onkologie
Links: Website AG Singh