Potenziale strategisch entfalten
UMG 2032 - Excellence through focus
The decisions on the largest funding initiative in the history of the state of Lower Saxony have been made: 'Potenziale strategisch entfalten', the joint funding programme of the Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture and the Volkswagen Foundation, will support the universities in Lower Saxony with a total of 265 million euros.
The UMG will receive 18.5 million euros of this. This funding will us to successfully pursue the goals set out in our proposal 'UMG 2032 - Excellence through focus' in the coming years.
'UMG 2032 - Excellence through focus' in figures
Mio. € Funding
5 ambitious objectives to strengthen our competitiveness and international visibility

Over the course of the project, we will focus on bringing together our four existing research focuses of Molecular Cell Biology, Neuroscience, Cardiovascular Medicine and Oncology under the new, innovative, cross-organ and cross-disease umbrella of 'metabolic plasticity'.

In the coming years, we aim to strengthen collaborative research activities and promote outstanding scientists at all career levels. In addition to networking and promoting talent, we place particular emphasis on deepening the integration of technology transfer to ensure that new scientific knowledge is rapidly made available to society. Taken together, these five key topics reflect our commitment to progress and excellence in science.
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