Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The courses I wish to take run in parallel. What can I do?

We try to fulfill everybody's wishes regarding their study courses. Should two courses run in parallel, the modular system at the University Medical Center Göttingen (UMG) may not allow you to follow both courses. Please contact us  nevertheless, and we will try to look for alternatives for you.

Should I take a German course while in Göttingen?

Of course we generally recommend that you attend a language class while in Göttingen. A good command of German helps you not least during your studies. We recommend you to take a course at the Sprachlehrzentrum  (foreign language lab) at the University of Göttingen. You can register using the online application  form. Please note that participation is subject to a fee. 
You may also wish to take an online language course with "DUO Online".

I heard there are tutors for me. What does that mean?

To help Incomings settle in, a number of kind students have volunteered to be a tutor. Your first tutor will perform the "Gretel Service” for you: He/she will pick you up at the Göttingen train station and guide you to your room. The service is organized by the International Student Services at Wilhelmsplatz in the center of Göttingen.
If you are planning to take a German course at the Sprachlehrzentrum (foreign language lab), there will be a medical faculty tutor for Incomings who can provide you with helpful information on Göttingen and the University Medical Center.
Our own ERASMUS tutors will be there for you throughout your stay in Göttingen. They are medical students during their clinical study phase. Friendships frequently evolve from these interactions. We will send you a list of all students and tutors prior to your arrival so you can contact people in advance.

I would like to do some or all of my practical year in Göttingen. What do I need to do?

The application process for a practical year (Praktisches Jahr, PJ) is similar to that for the clinical study phase. The first step is your online application. Please enter in detail your subjects and the exact time periods you wish to complete each of these subjects. We kindly ask you to discuss your desired combination of subjects with us beforehand.

I have completed my courses in Göttingen. What do I need to do next?

If you have passed an exam, the result will be automatically entered into our system so that you can access the information online. If you are completing clinical traineeships, the relevant certificates must be submitted to the Erasmus Office. At the end of your stay, you will be issued with a Transcript of Records once all grades are available. If you are still on site, this can be given to you in person or sent to you by e-mail. Your Erasmus coordinator will also receive a copy by e-mail.

In any case you will receive a Certificate of Stay that states the time period of your studies at the University Medical Center Göttingen. Please let us know in case were away from Göttingen for a longer period of time.

If you have failed courses, you have the opportunity to take a repeat examination. The dates for the registration deadlines and for the examinations will be announced in good time on our homepage.


ERASMUS+ Beauftragte

Stephanie Langsch

 Stephanie Langsch

contact information

consulting time

  • Mo u. Do 12.30-13.30 Uhr, Di 09.30-10.30 Uhr, Mi 15.00-16.30 Uhr

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