


Congrats to our PhD Student Ege Kingir


ThinkHeart" Lecture with Dr. Katharina Scherschel

"ThinkHeart" Lecture with a guest from Düsseldorf

The Research Training Group (RTG) 2824 “Heart and brain diseases: integrative research across organs”, based at the University Medical Center Göttingen, is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) from April 2023 to March 2028. The RTG 2824 aims to expand the cross-organ approach through high-end integrative research in the field of heart and brain diseases combined with top-notch training of medical doctorate and PhD students.

Scientists from the cardiovascular and neuroscience sections of the University Medical Center Göttingen and the German Primate Center work in close collaboration and offer medical students as well as PhD candidates the opportunity to perform interdisciplinary research involving the heart and brain, while simultaneously receiving disciplinary and interdisciplinary training through the qualification program. The RTG will offer doctoral students research opportunities on common mechanisms of Research Training Group 2824 cardiomyocytes and neurons as well as the heart – brain axis. The projects are designed to increase basic knowledge and tackle clinically relevant questions. The scheme depicts the research projects (RP, inner circle), research topics (middle circle) and associated clinical studies/iPSC cohort (outer circle) organized within the RTG 2824. Overarching research topics and clinical studies are shown in relation to the respective RP. Connecting lines between the RP represent the ongoing and planned collaborations.  The color gradient represents basic (red) to translational (blue) research projects.

Contact RTG 2824 Coordination Team

RTG 2824 Coordination Office

Dr. Christina M. Würtz


Phone: +49 551 3965849

E-mail: grk2824(at)

Fulya M. Ören

Administration/Team Assistance

Phone: +49 551 3965850

E-mail: grk2824(at)


The Podcast for PhD students in the natural sciences in Göttingen

In our podcast PhD2go we talk about the advantages of doing a PhD in Göttingen, the beautiful sides of the city, the university and the university hospital.

We inform you about the not-so-easy structures and the different stages of PhD life. Have fun!

Moderation: Alisa
Intro-Voice: Julius

PhD2go | Ep. 1

Welcome to Göttingen

In this episode, host Alisa talks to fellow students Surabhi and Julius about their path to Göttingen. Together they talk about the possibilities of the city, small communication problems and everyday life as a PhD student in Göttingen.

PhD2go | Ep. 2

University Universe

In this episode, host Alisa talks to Kirsten and Christina, the goldmines of important information. Together they shed light on the structures of the doctoral programs, the processes and requirements for doctoral studies in Göttingen.

PhD2go | Ep. 3

The life of PI

In this episode, host Alisa talks to Patapia, who works as a Principal Investigator (PI) for the research of "3D electrically excitable cell networks - Brain and heart" at UMG. Together they talk about what PIs look for when selecting PhD students and what skills future researchers should bring with them.

PhD2go | Ep. 4

The people you meet.

In edition 4 of the podcast, host Alisa talks to Liza and Moritz, who have both made successful careers through and with the International Research Group. They talk about decisions that have to be made and people who have a big impact on your ( working) life. What are you good at and what do you want to do?

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