How to present data...

Presenting the own research data to others is one of the most important aspects of science.

Even during the doctorate, our doctoral students have to present their work in lecture series, at their Thesis Advisory Committee meetings and at retreats and symposia - in talks as well as on posters or in short ‘elevator talks’.
For four days in April, Dr. Peter "brain4hire" Schröder from Düsseldorf showed us how to do this, what you need to bear in mind and what tricks and tips there are. Peter himself was a scientist for a long time and has now been passing on his knowledge on many different topics to doctoral students for many, many years. We have also been working with him for a long time. In April, he coached our GRK doctoral students in presenting scientific data and how to develop an 1.5-minute elevator talk... because we will soon need these for our new GRK film ;-)
Look forward to it! 

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